Bringing new meaning to the saying “All the cool kids are doing it”.
Who and what is Phuture Kewl? The answer is simple; they’re the eyes, ears and voice of the Future. Phuture Kewl are a group of young, positive and cool youth serving as a focus group evaluating products and services and reporting its findings to the world via and other social media networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) As we all know, youth have their fingers on the pulse of many different areas of life (e.g. music, movies, fashion, technology and so much more). Their way of communicating is fast and instantaneous via text messaging, chat rooms, blogs and video conversations. Information travels at the speed of light or faster in this generation. The Phuture Kewl Focus Group is going to take the “the uncertainty” out of what is going to be cool in the near future, by doing extensive research and “hands on use” to accurately review and report their feedback.